How not to waste £675m and how best to create better towns and High Streets
As you will be aware our towns are facing some of the greatest challenges in terms of their form and function for the 21st Century. These challenges come in many forms be they econ
Creating Better Towns Workbook
A workbook for use in conjunction with the Didobi Better Towns Aide-Memoire to help users deliver a vision, strategy, and well thought out plan for their town. The workbook fo
Creating Better Towns Aide-Memoire
An aide-memoire for Councils and stakeholders in towns which identifies and clearly defines best practice, methodologies, and the key ingredient for Creating Better Towns: a Didobi
2019 – a year of fortune and luck?
2019 – The Year of the Pig 2019 will be the Year of the Pig according to the Chinese zodiac and starts on 5th February. It states that it will be a great year to make money a