Creating and Delivering a Social Impact Strategy

Every organisation has a social impact. Not all know what it is, why it matters or how to maximise it

Didobi has developed a unique data-driven, engagement focussed and research-led approach to help your organisation navigate its path to social impact success. We work with you to quantify and evidence impact and have a proven track record in working with leadership teams and employees, customers, suppliers and local communities.
Our work with you will help you to answer fundamental questions.

  • What is social impact, and why do you need a social impact strategy (SIS)?
  • Where are you in your social impact journey? How does it fit within your wider organisational strategy, brand & mission/purpose?
  • What should your SIS include (and exclude)?
  • What should you measure, and what does success look like? Which metrics and targets should you include in your SIS?
  • How can you benchmark your progress and what should you report?

Didobi will work with you to deliver comprehensive, practical and evidence led outputs to enable knowledge transfer and successful implementation by your in-house teams.


  • Understanding which factors are at the heart of social impact, drawing on theory and practice.
  • Understanding and mapping social need across your organisation, supply chain and communities.
  • Developing a theory-of-change approach for how your activities can positively influence social impact across your supply chain and within the communities you serve.
  • Baselining a range of social impact metrics within your organisation, supply chain and communities.
  • Developing relevant, robust and measurable targets for your social impact strategy.